Is it possible to pass the DIMAQ exam without attending our training courses? Of course! But it does take perseverance and quite a lot of self-study using the syllabus and available resources. The knowledge you gain over the course of a career can also be very helpful.  A great example of such an approach to certification is Paula Ogrodowicz, Marketing Consultant, who passed her Professional level exam in February. Read our interview with Paula to find out what prompted her to take the exam despite the many years of experience in the online marketing industry.

  • How did you find out about the DIMAQ digital marketing qualification certification?  

Paula Ogrodowicz: I learned about the DIMAQ certification from LinkedIn. I noticed that the certificate was becoming more and more popular and recognised among the people from my industry and from my network.

  • What was your motivation to take a DIMAQ exam?  

P.O.: I’ve been working in e-marketing for many years now, but I’ve gained most of my knowledge about online campaigns through hands-on experience. Some time ago, I felt the need to systematise and fill the gaps in my digital qualifications, so I decided to prepare for the exam myself. I wanted to test my knowledge and prove my competence by gaining the certificate.

  • How did you prepare for the exam? Was it easy to get the resources to study the topics listed in the syllabus?  

P.O.: I prepared for the exam on my own – I went through all the topics from the Syllabus available on the DIMAQ website, using mainly current reports and publications available on IAB Polska’s website (Strategic Internet Report 2019/2020 was the most interesting and useful one). The rest of the information can be easily found in articles and resources available online.

  • How do you think the certificate is perceived in the job market?  

P.O.: From my point of view, a DIMAQ certificate is a great credential for digital qualifications, one recognized by potential employers.

  • What are your plans for your career in the nearest future?

P.O.: My plan is to continue to develop in the area of digital marketing, especially in e-commerce, which is evolving so rapidly these days.

Paula Ogrodowicz – Marketing Consultant – involved in marketing since the beginning of her professional career, i.e. for over 10 years. For most of this time, she has worked in the pharmaceutical and insurance industries, where she managed a marketing department for 6 years as a marketing manager.

Currently, as an independent marketing consultant, she helps companies (operating mainly in the sector of e-commerce for B2B and B2C) increase leads, sales, and revenue by building effective digital marketing strategies and implementing the right SEO, SEM, content marketing, and inbound marketing activities.  In her work, Paula follows the principle of measure everything that can be measured, that’s why she considers data analytics to be an essential tool in the practice of a professional marketer.